American Heart Association Promotes Heart Health Internationally through Partnership

Erol Onel
2 min readJul 5, 2022

When the American Heart Association (AHA) originated in 1924, it focused on improving the quality of life for Americans at high risk for heart disease and stroke. In the nearly 100 years since its founding, the organization has expanded its mission to include international initiatives.

While progress has been made worldwide in the fight against dangerous heart conditions, those advancements have been slow to reach the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). In an effort to extend much-needed help to those regions, the AHA partnered with the Middle East and North Africa Stroke Organization (MENASO).

Primary Goal

According to MENASO, young people experience stroke at higher rates in the MENA region. However, specialized care to treat stroke and related conditions is difficult to find throughout that part of the world. With that in mind, MENASO aims to develop and open more care centers specializing in stroke care.

Improving Care

To supplement the increase in care centers, MENASO also works to spread awareness about the condition among healthcare providers. In cooperation with the AHA, the group circulates educational resources and offers a certification that trains providers to care for those who’ve experienced a stroke.

Meeting Goals

As a result of the collaboration between MENASO and the AHA, two centers dedicated to stroke opened in Dubai in late 2020. Another two dozen similar locations are in the planning stages. Meanwhile, the two organizations managed to influence caregivers in Iran and Egypt to deliver life-saving procedures to stroke patients.

MENASO plans to roll out more resources and initiatives to extend care throughout countries in the MENA region. The goal is to provide equal care to those living in small towns and villages where adequate care remains unavailable.

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Erol Onel

A physician in La Jolla, CA focused on pharmaceutical development, Erol Onel, MD, most recently served Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.